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The government is taking into account all forms of bullying, anti gay bullying being just one of many. Bak roles down into the woods and falls into a graveyard pit opened for her by Kahna! She hurts her leg and in pain! Kahna is watching with < b>credit score chart 720 b> Some men under the spell of Kahna starts filling the pit with mud! Bak < b>credit score chart 720 b> for help but they dont listern! Virat reaches Mutt and is happy thinking that he killed Bak, and he has taken the revenge back and he thinks now nobody can stop him from becoming future RP, even the muttadeesh is on his side so only he gave the car keys to him and sent him out! Virat comes to Muttadeesh and gives him his car keys! and says for the help he ddi to him he ll make the head of all the mutts! Muttadeesh gets angry and shouts with whose permission he has gone out and what he has done to the car, the car is used only for the samajseva but he has taken it to roam around! Virat prtests saying that he only gave the keys to him! Muttadeesh anger saying that he s lying and says the punishment given to him is not enough to set him right and orders him not only to sweep the mutt but every street of the the village! credit score chart 720 leaves The workers hold him! Virat smirks and says maybe he has gone crazy hearing the death of Rptain! the worker says virat himself has gone crazy to speak ill about RPtain! workers take him credit score chart 720 A worker prays to Kahna to look after their RPtain! Kahna says this punishment is enough for now and Bak s hand comes out of the grave! A man turns back and come running and calls others too and they dig out Bak from the grave! Bak screams at them saying that she was shouting for help but still they burried her and balmes them that they tried to kill her! The men say that they saved her! and instead of thanking she s blaming! Bak says they will pay for what they did! The men says the sun is going to set and they have heard that ghosts come at that time in that place! they eave in fear! Bak sees the sunset and thinks that she has to reach home otherwise Dev will accept Radhika! Bak climbs up slowly! sees a white car! and think when she reachs home she ll take dup Radhika s life! R/K comes forward and asks how she ll take her life! Bak sys she thought that it was Radhika who was trying to kill her, what did she think that she ll die so easily! NO and she tries to hold R/K s neck but couldnt! her hand is is pulled backward! R/K asks she has just come out of the death even then she s so arrogant! this was just a trail of punishment How was she feeling when she was being burried! Bak recollects the glimpse of how she burried Radhika! she looks at R/K and screams why is she taking the revenge for Radhika! what conenction she has with Radhika! R/K says that how can she ask Radhika about that question! Bak says she about her tricks and asks her watch how Dev will push her out of the house! If She can make him hate the real Radhika then she is dup Radh! Kahna smiles and says for that she has to reach home by sunset otherwise dev would accept Radhika! and she has very little time to prove Radhika wrong! Everybody is worried for Rdhika! Mohini says she has looked for her everywhere! Dev asks Amba if Radhika tols her anything! Amba says she might had gone to temple to take blessings as her new life is starting today! Padma is very worried and hearing all this she shouts saying everybody is < b>credit score chart 720 b> about Radhika but not about Barkha! Dev says why should they care for Bak! She was the one who wanted a test from Radhika and she has been proved bak has disappered from the house! She says let her come and he has many questions to answer! just then Bak comes limping < i>credit score chart 720 i> chotima she fanints down and everybody run to her! Padma sprinkles water on her! Rohan helps her to sit in the sofa! Padma asks what has happened! Dev too in stern voice asks what happened! Bak starts her nautanki saying that after they had the talk in the morning, she went to temple thinking only Kahna can help her, as Radhika nor Dev seems to understand her feeling! Amba says sternly that to tell clearly what she wants to say! She says that she has decided there that she would forgive Radhika, though her heart was not able to accept that Radhika has changed, she only decided only for Dev s happiness! And when she came out of the temple Radhika was standing outside and she threatned her that if she doesnt forgive her, she ll kill Bak! and then she < b>credit score chart 720 b> that she ll never forgive Radhika for that behaviour! then Radhika tried to kill her by dashing her car! On time she jumped out of the car or otherwise her dead body would have been lying in the valley! maheswari thinks liar! it was bak who has killed Radhika bak continues saying because she went to the temple that is why Kahna saved her! Balram thinks its true kahna only saved her but it would have been good if he had let her die! Bak continues! asks Dev that He doesnt believe her, does he? Dev says sternly yes! that he doesnt believe any word what she has said! Padma and Bak < i>credit score chart 720 i> at him in shock! Bak is saying that is what she wants to ask everybody that why would she want to blame Radhika falsely!!! R/K sternly says becasue she doesnt want to forgive radhika and because she doesnt want to see Dev and Radhika coming together!!! Dev looks stern and pays attention to it! Credit Suisse has released an updated version of their popular Mortgage Reset Recast Chart. 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